2024 was a year of changes to the streaming services. MHz Choice absorbed Topic, and as a larger network, made some power plays, such as acquiring all seasons, including the new season 4, of Babylon Berlin. Viaplay, after dropping the North American market, has returned via Prime channels, and picked up distribution for the Scottish series Rebus, hinting at a potential expansion out of the Nordics. There has been a lot of press this year about how TV has become mediocre, falling prey to algorithms and actuaries. Unfortunately, this is becoming true of the foreign offerings as well. However, there were some standouts. Herewith are foreigncrimedrama.com’s picks for Best of 2024.
The Day (De Dag), Belgium, Walter Presents
The Day, on Walter Presents, is a Belgian series about a bank robbery, told from the perspective of both the criminals (including some hostages), and the police. It features a unique and sometimes frustrating formula of dedicating one episode to events as the police see them, and the next episode to the same events as the criminals see them. However, the writing is so good, and the timing of the various twists so perfect, that both points of view are compelling. My only complaint was the length, but overall, The Day is an excellent thriller. You can read our full review here.
Haven of Grace, France, MHz Choice
Haven of Grace is a French series that I would classify as a family, versus crime, drama. Retiring longshoreman Pierre La Prieur (Olivier Gourmet) has fought his entire career to keep drug traffickers out of the port, but they are digging in. Pierre’s sons Jean and Simon get caught up in the fight, and his sister, a lawyer, works to clear their names. This sounds so tame compared to the actual twisty and shocking action in the show. Ultimately, Haven of Grace is a meditation on bad decision-making and family legacy, but with such gasp inducing cliffhangers that you will watch the first 10 minutes of the next episode no matter how tired you are. You can read our full review here.
Babylon Berlin Season 4, Germany, MHz Choice
Season 4 of Babylon Berlin is a return to form after a disappointing season 3. With its dense politics, madcap scenes of Berliners dancing, and the tension of Charlotte and Gereon’s on/off relationship, season 4 is compelling as ever. This season focuses on the rise of the Nazi party from an extremist group dismissed as merely an agitator, to a chilling operator building underground judicial and political support. As with other seasons, Babylon Berlin focuses on the complex machinations of several parties, from politicians to criminals, striving to dominate a vulnerable country. Read our review here for necessary background information.
The Mire: Millennium, Poland, Netflix
Millenium is the third and final chapter of The Mire series set in Gronty, Poland. All seasons start with a present-day crime, and flash back to an earlier era to examine the roots of the problem that led us here. In Millenium, the present year is 1999, and the flash-back era is the 1960’s. Gangsters past and present are angling for control of the prostitution business, which has clients high up in government. Meanwhile, there are three characters, Witold, Anna and Piotr, whose stories we have been following throughout all seasons. Millenium is an excellent finale to the Mire series, with high production values, fantastic performances, and intricate plotting. But you must start with season 1 in order to enjoy The Mire: Millenium. You can read our full review here.
Rebus, Scotland, Viaplay
Rebus, based on the character created by author Ian Rankin, is about an Edinburgh detective who has been demoted for trying to kill a suspect. Rebus’ temper is only one of his problems: his ex-wife has married a millionaire, his daughter is disgusted with him, internal affairs are poking about, he’s saddled with a fresh-out-of-leadership-training partner, and oh, his brother just kidnapped a local gangster. Nonetheless, Rebus maintains his dark sense of humor. There have been other adaptations of the popular book series, but for this iteration, Ian Rankin has helped create new stories for the TV show. With an excellent cast, a cinematic location, and a top-notch production team, Rebus is a must-watch series. You can read our full review here.
Prisoner, Denmark, MHz Choice
Prisoner, about 4 prison guards in Denmark, is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. The guards are split into those who want to follow the rules, and those who allow prisoners to break the rules in order to keep the peace. When a government inspection forces the guards to crack down on their wards, the détente between the white supremacists and the Muslim prisoners disintegrates, and everything goes to hell. Turns out the guards’ home life isn’t much better. With its prevailing sense of doom, excellent performances from Denmark’s top talent, and high production value, it’s hard to stop watching Prisoner. You can read our full review here.
Deliver Me, Sweden, Netflix
Deliver Me is a heartbreaking series about two 14-year-old friends who are recruited into a local gang, with dire circumstances. The lead performances, both by first-time actors, are unbelievable, and the writing and directing are top-notch. I’m not going to lie: it’s a bleak story that is difficult to watch, but it’s so well-made that it’s worth the knot in your stomach. You can read our full review here.
What did you love in 2024? What disappointed you? Let me know!
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