Foreigncrimedrama.com is a U.S. based blog started in 2019 by Kelly Luchtman, who was frustrated that she couldn’t find more information on foreign shows. At the time, she was reading the excellent blog, The Killing Times, but that is UK based, so the content didn’t always match what was available in the U.S. Figuring other people in the U.S. had the same frustration, Kelly signed up for every streaming channel she could find that featured foreign dramas, and started her own blog. At the same time, foreign crime dramas exploded in popularity, with every streaming platform featuring content from around the world, and new platforms debuting (Walter Presents, Topic, MHz Choice) that were dedicated strictly to foreign-made content. Today, there are several excellent blogs and facebook groups that post the information Kelly was looking for back in 2019. (Theeurotvplace.com, squareeyedworld.com)
Curators, not critics
Although we review shows, we don’t fancy ourselves critics. Instead, we are curators. We watch a lot of foreign programming, but we only feature shows or films that we like, and feel we can sincerely recommend. If we can’t give a show at least a 75% positive rating, we will not feature it. Of course, taste is subjective. So if you don’t see a title here that you would expect, it’s for one of three reasons: it didn’t measure up; we haven’t gotten to it yet; or it’s being reviewed by every major publication in the U.S. already. Case in point-Peaky Blinders. Everyone from the New York Times to Decider will be reviewing that show, so we don’t need to. We like to review shows that few or no other publications are looking at. That way, we can help you find hidden gems.
Get in touch
We love feedback, even criticism, and we answer right away. You can reach out via our Contact Us page, Facebook or Twitter. Also, if you would like to receive a new review in your email Inbox every Tuesday (but no spam or junk), you can sign up below. We do not share or sell your information. We also hope you will follow our social media feeds, listed above. Happy streaming!