In the opening of Snabba Cash season 2, a Swedish series on Netflix, protagonist Leya (Evin Ahmad) has announced to her shareholders that they are taking her company, Target Coach, public, when her investor Tomas (Olle Sarri), tells her that they can’t do it. Turns out Tomas has been cooking the books of his company, Macking, which owns Target Coach, and the financial crimes unit is investigating. Desperate, Leya turns to her drug contacts for help, which leads her on a violent detour that changes her forever.
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People are so disappointing
Tomas was “round-tripping” money between his various companies, showing more revenue for Target Coach than actually existed. In order to get Target Coach off his books, he offers to give it back to Leya. She takes it back, but now SHE needs to show revenue to shareholders, so she has to continue round-tripping until she can get legit. She turns to Marko (Johan Jonason), a major drug supplier, for help. He agrees, but with conditions, naturally. He needs Leya to negotiate with his South American supplier for reasons that are unclear and frankly unimportant. Unfortunately, the South American supplier takes a shine to Leya and decides that Leya will be their contact, not Marko. Although Marko will receive, cut and sell the drugs, Leya is on the hook for paying the South American.
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Back in the Neighborhood
At the opening of Snabba Cash Season 2, there is a sweeping drug bust. Ravy (Dada Fungula Bozela), Leya’s brother-in-law and investor, got the heads up and was able to stash his supply before the cops came, so he’s the only dealer that still has product. But there’s a new kid in town, Zaki (Adam Kais), who wants to take over the local street-level drug trade, Godfather II style. He’s bold, violent, and a good recruiter. He forms an army of young guys and they steal Ravy’s stash. The war is on. Ravy’s core crew, Nala (Ayaan Ahmed) and Osman (Khalil Ghazal), stick around, but the rest of his guys abandon him. Marko’s South American delivery is going to save Ravy, but Zaki isn’t going to let that happen. Leya is right in the middle of this mess, trying to jettison Zaki, work with Marko, and protect her son all at once.
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Our Take on Snabba Cash Season 2
The parallel narratives of hustling whether in big business or the underground drug trade were established in season 1, and continue here. But this season is all about the women. Both Tomas and Ravy blow town when the going gets tough, and Leya and Nala are forced to keep their respective businesses going. And both Leya and Nala cross lines they regret, emerging from this season with less of their soul intact. I could say the same of the series. While Snabba Cash season 2 maintains a level of suspense, and ratchets up the stakes like Breaking Bad did, it’s a bit grinding and definitely joyless. There is a heartbreaking sub-plot about 4 tweens who get recruited by Zaki, and the teacher who tries to save them. Otherwise, it’s all hustling. I binged it, but I recognize that it doesn’t have the magic that season 1 had.
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