Deadwind season 2 on Netflix reunites detectives Sofia Karppi (Pihla Viitala) and Sakari Nurmi (Lauri Tilkanen) on a case involving a tunnel between Finland and Estonia. Someone is killing people who are connected through their association with the contractor building the tunnel, and its construction ship, The Meelika. When a colleague becomes one of the bodies, the investigation gets personal for Karppi and Nurmi. Meanwhile, Karppi is still struggling as a single mother, and the relationship between the detectives is growing more complicated.
Too close to home
During winter break, 2 bodies are found: one in the Helsinki construction area of the tunnel and one in the Tellinn, Estonia construction area of the tunnel. Just as Karppi and Nurmi are beginning that investigation, their commanding officer Koskimäki (Raimo Grönberg) and his visiting daughter are murdered at home. With a clue that Koskimäki writes in blood, “Jim”, the detectives tie the deaths to The Meelika, where a secret meeting was held between Mayor Sara Tulisuo (Leena Pöysti) and investors who own casinos. Turns out that Koskimäki had signed the death certificate of one Jimi Aho, a young mechanic who went overboard the night of the meeting. The mayor didn’t want anyone finding out about her meeting so she quashed the investigation into Jimi’s death, and Koskimäki helped her out by calling it an accident and moving on. It soon becomes clear that anyone connected to Jimi’s death is a target.
Henna is in trouble
A parallel plotline in Deadwind season 2 involves drug dealing. Turns out one of the initial victims, Jan Laanest (Sergei Aksela) was dealing Subutex, which is technically an opioid replacement for those getting off heroin, but can also be abused for a high. Unfortunately, Henna (Mimosa Willamo), Karppi’s troubled step-daughter who has left home and is currently on the streets, stole Jan’s stash which she found when she was buying drugs from him. While Jan is dead, his bosses aren’t, and they want the drugs back. Unfortunately, someone stole Henna’s stash, so she is forced to act as a mule, bringing Subutex into Finland from Estonia.
Complicated Relationships
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how bad a mother Karppi is. Her negligence goes beyond the typical “engrossed detective” inattention we usually see. The only mother who was worse, in my opinion, is Sarah Lund from The Killing. Karppi’s son Emil (Noa Tola) is probably around 8, and he is getting into fights at school, and well, we see what Henna is up to. At least Nurmi calls her on it, several times.
Nurmi and Karppi’s relationship is complicated. In one episode, Nurmi is having a no good, very bad day, and he ends up kissing Karppi. They immediately part ways. Later, she tries to kiss him, but he pulls away. They are still able to work well together despite the sexual tension.
Our Review of Deadwind Season 2
Deadwind season 2 is a typical procedural with a vexing and engrossing mystery, but eps 7 &8 get a little implausible. There is another call back to The Killing that I won’t spoil here, but suffice to say it annoyed me, because Deadwind so often gets compared to it. While Karppi and Nurmi are a likable pair, I prefer the Finnish duo of Maria and Lauri from All The Sins. I know people who adore this show, but for me, it remains a between-the-binge: high quality, but doesn’t have that special something that forces it to the top of the queue.
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